
Jayden Tranby 2024

I am part of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists of the World. I study under multiple talented artists, Elsa, Francie, and Xiaogang.  

If you are interested in purchasing or a commissioned piece, please email me.

Hi, I'm Jayden! I love painting

I am 15 years old and I was born without arms. Every artist in the world has their own special and unique ways of painting. One of my  unique ways to paint  without arms is that I paint with my feet.

My most favorite things to paint are landscapes. I love painting landscapes because there is so much color and depth in it. I also like to explore different techniques and figure out how to create different objects in my paintings. 

Much of my inspiration comes from the places I travel to such as, San Francisco, Florida, Yosemite National park, Sparks Lake, and the West coast. I also get inspired by many different talented  artists.